
Thursday 9 April 2015

Spasms And Schisms

The spasms and schisms
 results in one after another
 the spasms of pain
 propound a drain
 mostly they are real
 others could be a deal
 the spasms promote a feign
 mostly for a  gain
as it connotes an act
 a sympathy in fact
 compassion is an extension
 mercy is a sensation
  the mind  loses its equanimity
 closes itself towards amity
 pity is aroused  extensively
 an advance indicatively
 comes with a proposition
 though not easier in  a distribution
schisms come into existence
 with almost no reference
 an agitation is the outcome
there are innumerable shortcomings
unrest and shootings take place
 with the police on a chase
 a clash is on the anvil
massacres outright  with will
chance a mutiny in the stroll
they form the basis of a goal
 not one of peace on earth
 but bloodshed and death.

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