
Sunday 12 April 2015

My Goal In Life

Those days of years long ago
 I was so active in the go
 not very much an outgoing person
all wants being sufficient in reason
my family was all for me..

The care of my children took my time
 cut short on social activities for a time 
 that became a way of life soon
 it was in a way a great boon
 my world revolved around  my home.

The years have rolled by very fast
 I see myself  in a peculiar cast
 know not how to  go about 
as I have my own doubts 
 having been an introvert.

With  a lot of time in my hand 
 and ideas with idealism almost grand 
 I like to implement them  very shortly 
  health  drags me slowly 
yet I want to go through.

It is imperative  for me to go ahead 
 I would definitely find the best
 I should push aside my slight indispositions
 I would make great improvisations 

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