
Monday, 30 November 2015

She Is Short .

She is short
 but beautiful in a sort
 laurels she got.

She got laurels
received many lovely gifts floral
costly as corals.

Deadly Attacks.

It is dastardly
 even bastardly
 killing the fellow humans
 then killing themselves being inhuman
that is what happens every day
 seems to be a child's play
 so easy and facile in the go
 a shot with the gun and a blow
 fall hundreds dead one by one
 be they in stadiums, concert halls,
 could be in players with balls
 a deadly attack and a silence
 could that be deadly too.

A Surprise

It was a surprise
 could I call it a prize
 received from my little one
 she being the one
 the first girl in my family
 so charming in reality
 poise and grace being her virtues
 could never get any clue
 a remarkable girl of nine years
her gesture moved me to tears
a poem she mailed  to me
 that being dedicated to me
 one that spoke of me alone
 called me her favourite  in tone
 instead of addressing her so
 she referred me with a show
 being one of love and love
 she being my beloved
I read and re read her poem many times
 as it keeps me joyful every other time.

Poem Of My Granddaughter

poem of my granddaughter
 being her maiden one
 simple and sweet like her
 passionate and loving
written with feelings intense
 a style  of her own
 pouring all her affections in  lines
made me cry for a while
 as I live so far away from her
 unable to hold her hand and kiss
 the hand that wrote such fastidious poetry.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Bumps And Bends.

Bumps and bends
 cross the road of thoroughfare
endanger life too.

Be an allegory
a similarity of life and road
accusing the happiness.

A Glorious Life

A glorious life 
 comes to an end slowly 
without any glory.

A Walk By The Lovely River.

A walk by the  lovely river
where there is no noise  whatsoever
the flow of the river  is music  intense
the tweets of birds strike a cadence
the cool breeze strikes the face gently
being an inspiration lovely
the stray incidents of a dog's bark in terms
heard occasionally  in irregular rhythms
could be the only jarring notes all round
the trees stand majestically all around
solicit you with a love unknown and yielding walk by the river.
what more could there be in the morning
a sullen and serene walk with an invigoration.

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Love In All.-----Haiku

Love  in all
 could be simple as all
beautiful in all.

Love in full
could be whole and full
loveliest in full.

Love is fine
 could be bright and fine
divinity in fine.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

In Form

Doing great always
 being great always
 looking great always
 conducting great always
 could be great
 would be difficult
 trying is no harm
 let us go about in form.

Illusion In A shine.

it is an illusion
could be a delusion
one of less illumination
not of great intoxication
a proposed invitation
beguiling a  destruction
not one of relation
be that of distinction
might be a demonstration
one of great exhibition
of wealth in attribution
a slow decrease in denomination
could lead to an identification
the sale of properties in succession
could throw an indication
there be a paucity in distribution
be that the revenue  deterioration
could be a marginal circumspection
around a debt in all addition
well, could be a  suppression
of facts and truth in a faction.illusion

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The Crow---Haiku

The crow caws
 caw, caw, all the morning
be it different.

The crow flies
 up and down all through
 be it different.

The crow perches
 on the window for long
 be it different.

The crow behaves
strangely all through the day
 be it different.

The crow says
 I am as I am
 be no difference.

Like To Host ---- Haiku

Like to host
a dinner or lunch though
with no ostentation.

With no ostentation
the guests were treated well
 with simple dish.

With simple dish
 turned out to be tasty
 they were thrilled.

They were thrilled
 lacked the basic  courteous behaviour
 bid no farewell.

Eat The Cakes ---- Haiku.

Eat the cakes
 if you do not have bread
 the Queen says .

Not having bread
 where to go for cakes?
the man says.

What a parody?
the queen and the man
in dissimilar planes

Failure To Understand ____ Haiku

Failure to understand
 could be much of ignorance
 be of indifference.

Friday, 27 November 2015

What Not He Is ?

He is a sadist 
 finds pleasure in other's grief 
 he is a cynic 
 likes to tease and taunt 
 he is evil
derides and mocks 
 he is  wicked 
 scorns and chides 
 he is to be shunned 
 condemned and destroyed. 

To Many In A Way

Let that be how you live
 could be of an eyesore to some
 being in a sense of envy
 the way you dress
 attired in an immaculate white
 could hurt many in a way
 the way you carry yourself
 with dignity and charm
 could incite many in a way
 the manner you speak and interact
 would ignite many in a way
 the food you eat with caution
 could also kindle fury to many in a way
 so be that your life
 a cause of flutter to many in a way.

Being A Saturday

It  is a Saturday
 nothing to do all the day
 it is a while away
 the most lively way
 to spend the whole day.

Sumptuosity And Splendour

The ingredients that make a dish 
 could be of varied quality 
 the best be not the substance 
if one goes not by the standard .splendour
 I know a woman who  is independent 
cooks  on not any recipe  as such 
 has her own way to process 
 measures not in spoons or in grams 
  just picks and mixes in the stuff
 her fingers be her own measure 
 salt she just sprinkles as she cooks 
 so does she adds spice and chilly 
 the way she wants and she likes 
 it is all in her  eyes and hands 
 no particular study nor any precise definition
 the final preparation is so delicious and mouth watery
provokes one to take again and again
 she does not teach or instruct
 as she does not possess any regular formula 
 it is the watchful eye that sees  and performs 
 it is the deft finger that executes  in strength
while the ladle clatters on the pans and pots 
 a sumptuosity   and splendour all too well seen.

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It is Mahabharath
an epic of Hindu religion
teaches lessons for all.

Going In Rounds.

Going in rounds
 he fell on the ground
 none were around.

None were around
he lay on the ground
without a sound.

Without a sound
 he struggled to get up
fell on the ground.

Be the end
 he lay there in the bend
 none could fend.

An Integration.

It is an integration
 going through a synchronization
 could be a coordination
 well into a convergence
 a lively part of indulgence
could be a deliverance.

Play-- Haiku

I play well
I had played very well
I would play.

Ocean Of Wisdom

The water was flowing down the stone
so were the thoughts going down in a tone
the ripples caused a furore  in the swirl
the ideas brought in a fervour in the twirl
the water went up and down in force
the thoughts rose  high and low through the course
the tide ended into the ocean Ocean Of wisdomin the stage
the  reflections merged into wisdom  in a range.

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Thursday, 26 November 2015

I Had.

I had a mother
 everyone has you say
 I had a father
 that too everyone has you say
 I had both
 nothing different you say
 I had parents not as usual ones
 you lift your eyebrows in a way
I had parents who  loved me when young
 quixotically you look at me in a way
 I had parents who deceived me when I grew up
 perplexed you listen to me without a say
 I had them till I was in my fifties
 nothing strange you feel in a day
 I had them while they gave and then got back everything
 oh! my God you exclaim in a play
so be the story of my parents in all truth
 you just stare at me in a sway.

I Try Hard.

I try hard
 try more than I could
 try more than I would
I try rather hard.

I try hard
with all my might
 with all my strength
 I try rather hard.

I try hard
 try with a determination
 try with a definition
 I try rather hard.

I try hard
 with all my thoughts
 with all the efforts
I try rather hard.

 As  I try all the more
wish to win over
 would I achieve?
 would I succeed?

The Wonder

The wonder it is 
 archaic it looks 
 pillars tall and elegant
 arches intrinsic and decorative 
corridors large and wide 
 bays lively and big 
 the doors magnificent and majestic 
 the windows subtle and strong 
 all the adjectives go to make 
 no need more qualifying words 
 as the wonder I see with awe 
stands out without any flaw 
 an architectural marvel in all
should be seen by all.Opera House
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Be Always Good ---- Haiku

Be always good
 as it demands no food
a great mood.


Chasing one thing
 till you find it at the end
 could be an obsession.

Chasing one thing
 leave it when you not find
 could be a relaxation.

Chase not the thing
not wishing to go behind it
 could be a decision.

Chase not as always
 that would come to you
 be it in anything.

Fear Not The Devil

Fear not the devil
 as it is not out of you
 it being within you.


Beauty is found
 not in the face anyway
  seen in the heart  all the more.

Live Not With Fear.

Live not with fear 
 live with a tear 
 go through with a penchant 
 never through with a depression 
 conquer the world confidently 
 never withdraw  apprehensively 
 could be a cowardly act all through 
 consider and wage a battle in true.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Being A Target.--- Haiku

Being a target
he was in the list
but slowly forgotten.

Bird Tweets -------- Haiku

The bird tweets
could it be  a greet
 it is upbeat.

Playing With Play Gun --Haiku

It is fun
 playing with the play gun
 not so now.

It Is Love ---- Haiku

It is love
 a day seen in excess
 could be lust.

It is love
a day seen in moderate
 could be affection.

It is love
 always seen in faith
 could be devotion.

It is love
seen through in three dimensions
 professes a difference.

A Spiritual Endowment.

The days thus pass on
 with festivals crossing
 one after another
 a sumptuous meal and a payasam
 being the Indian desert
 we, Hindus live with religion
 the day being linked to some sort of festival
 a spiritual endowment all the way.

I Light Deepams.

I light the deepams
 six on each step
 on either sides
 one in the center
 with five on the porch
 seven on the sit on patio
 two each on the bays of the verandah
 while three on the compound wall bays
 two plus one on the gate
 so I go on keeping lamps
 two on my back entrance
 two more on my North entrance
 while two on my back gate
two on the small gate on the backyard
 go on I keeping lamps
 pouring oil  with the thread soaked
 a great going it was
 lighting the silver lamps in the pooja
 others were lighted
 the whole area looked so beautiful
 stylishly illuminated

The Deepams.

The deepams as they are called
 burn with a grace
 never they cast a dazzling shine
 they preserve a pristine glow
 lovely to see them shine
 synonymous they are in their  flow
 present a liveliness with mirth

A Day Of Lights

It is a day of lights
 where every house lights oil lamps
 the belief being great
 one of not a mundane hope
 could bring in prosperity
 not one of material wealth alone
 e it wisdom and brilliance
 shown in the lamp which burns
 with a modest light all too moderate
 an encomium of lights  all adorned
 lovely and decorative with an adornment
 an admiration of great consequence
 a  fortunate  designation all too great.

Frauds Prosper.

A fraud is hidden 
 it is camouflaged 
 given various forms 
 robed in different attire 
shielded and protected 
 frauds do propser.


It is karthigai
oil lamps are lighted  throughout
 an illumination natural.

Oil lamps shine
 dispel the darkness of ignorance
 symptomatic of wisdom.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Money Is To her.

Tmoney.jpgalking of money is her obsession
talks of nothing else in procession
money and jewels come in the front
thus she earns all people's brunt
tells of her wealth in no real terms
one here and one there in a voice firm
worth about millions in value
earns a very fat revenue
goes on with her accounting
while the jewels come in the scoring
diamonds and gold costs her so much
silver and platinum  mounts up as such
her total net worth is beyond reach
well, she talks so with a screech
money to her is all that matters
others do not exist in her incessant chatter
now people run away from her in no time
when they see her approaching with her rhymes.

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An Endless Conversation

meaningless conversationIt is a conversation
not on one discussion
covers a lot in disposition
from politics to theater in all
from family to  learning in call
going on for hours  together
many putting forth their ideas rather
as those were mostly intangible
greatly on to the implausible
yet the conversation went on
not tracking anything on
mostly does such meets end up
just a chatter without a follow up.
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A Visit.

It is a visit
 a niece came home
 a pleasant visit
 with her son
 had a nice time
 entertained  her
 a lively hour
 after a week.

Drive Him Off

Drive him off
 a cheat and an evil fellow
 chase him right through

Be Your Brother.

A curiosity it is 
 a peep through the window 
 forget what is in yours 
 see the other side with glee
 a curiosity all the more 
 not to be entertained 
 nip it in the bud 
 be he your brother or anybody 
 drive him out as soon as you can
food riddance is all you want. 

East And West.

East meets west
 never could be
 east is different
 steeped in tradition
 west is different
 totally all modern
 both could never converge
as east and west are poles apart.

Monday, 23 November 2015

The Children Play

It is fun to see children play
 they shout, scream and play
 fight, beat each other and play
 throw sand, fall down and play
 if not for the elder's say
 they would have a fin play.

It Is Bright

It is bright
 sun is out all gay
lively in a stay.

It is gay
 children come out to play
 cheerful in a way.

It is a play
 the sun is at it in a sway
great all day.

Resembles Her Mother

Resembles her mother
 not always as seen normally
in a particular outfit.

In an attire 
 takes after her mother in an angle
it is but natural. 

Like mother in a way 
 like a daughter as always 
 looks and behaviour correlate.

Being A Sack----Haiku

being a sack
fallen away from the track
causes a havoc.

Transparent ---Haiku

A see through
 could be a blouse transparent
 being all provoking.

Passion it Is

passion it is 
 to write more and more 
 know not to finish.

Water _Haiku

Water, water, everywhere
 no drop to drink anywhere
 all through water.

Nice To read

Nice to read
 nice it is to write
 read and write.

Great It Is

Great it is
 too great it is  really
 very great altogether.

It Is Music ----Haiku

It is music
 seems to be very enigmatic
lively and cherubic.

The song elevates
 seem to lead to a skate
emotions in spate

The emotions evoke
tears run  with a provoke
 not to revoke.

It is music
tends to evolve an energetic
 soul stirring  intrigue

Fight Among Siblings.

A difference between  the siblings
 comes in all families whatsoever
lies the fault on both the sides
 parental being partial to one
 siblings wanting to  get the most
 a hide and a then a reveal
 a trial and a slip in the run
 leads to such fights and anger
 not one cane met out a equal distribution
 a little here and a little there would not matter
 a great increase could devolve into a fury
 mind you let not give place to it any cost
 be you a parent or a sibling in the go.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

The Children Shout ----haiku

The children shout
 knowing not what is about
 it is by rote.

An Exquisite Piece

It is a choice
 a beautiful one
 ethnic and modest
 beautiful and elegant
 a sleek piece
 that of a chest of drawers
 all done in fine wood
 nothing much of a gaudiness
 an exquisite piece

Gossip _Haiku

it is gossip
falls out from the lips
 not a slip

Singing ---Haiku

It is singing
penetrates into the deep soul
 makes it gold.

Brew In The Mind.

it is a way to see
 a perception or a outlook
 a good thought
reflects in a sight
 an evil thought
 gets seen in an  idea
well, that could be the image
 could be an imagination
 reflections are the ideals
 that brew in the mind.

Chennai Floats

The rains around 
 the waters abound 
 no space in the ground 
 flow to the sea.

With water everywhere 
 no vehicles in the thoroughfare
 the city wears a look of bare 
 feel we are nowhere.

The water floods with a force
 pushes in snakes in the course
people run about  in toes
know not where to go in a chose.

Thirteen days rain all though 
 have happened in three months in lieu
 a havoc spreads all through 
a disaster as seen in true.

Ten years once this happens 
Chennai suffers never awakens 
the governance does not hasten
accepts it without a chasten.


Day In And Day Out

The day starts with  a rain
as it pours without a feign
continuous and steadfast it rains
never could see it gain
the afternoon sees a weather humid
the temperature becomes tepid
perspiration is almost rapid
never could trace anything fluid
the evening the warmth decreases
the coolness sets with an increase
the balmy winds blow as a breeze
could never lead to a freeze
the night  is significantly cold
could not move out bold
as the dark is dense in a fold
have to wait till the morning in hold
thus the day passes all in a way
day in day out this could be the way.weather_3375809b
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The Feel Of greatness

The feel of greatness
 should not be created
 should not be thrusted
 should come  in as it is
 a casual behaviour whatsoever.

Greatness is a natural phenomenon
.never it is artificially formed
the quality as such
 should grow within
not from outside.

Greatness is  beautiful
 being grace and  cheer
 being love and passion
one of great degree
 wonderful and cherishing.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Meaningless I Write.

Meaningless I write
never i go back
or do i read again.
Meaningless I write
what comes to my mind
or that comes out spontaneous.
Meaningless I write
what I feel to write
or that strikes me then.
Meaningless I write
with no thoughts
or no ideas whatsoever.
Meaningless I write
with a wish to write
or a love to write .
meaningless it is
all that I write
or all that i put forth.

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Sordid State.

A ritual all along
 from birth to death
crowds the mind
before a baby is born
 there is a ceremony
 where medicine is given to the mother
 followed by a pilgrimage
 then comes the ceremony of the bangles
 goes the mother to her mother's place
 a function and a lunch
 the child is born
 the in laws come to see the child
 the sixteenth day function
 the naming ceremony
 then back to the in laws house
 a feast and gifts continue
 an exchange of cash and material on both sides
 the child grows  into a boy or a girl
 if a girl when she attains a puberty
 a celebration with a grand feast and gifts
 goes the girl back to school
 then the marriage has to take place
 the uncles bring a load of gifts along with their relations
 a feast and distribution  is on the anvil
 not a man is allowed to die in peace
 if he dies again the rituals interfere
 a gift whatsoever in the form of tiny vessels are found
 along with some cash in a cover
 all these are enough for a lifetime
 the meaning of life is to eat and gift
 what a sordid state mankind is in.

The Shoe Flower.

The shoe flower or hibiscus
has shades of colours
red being the usual one
pink, yellow, white and others
abound in their beauty all the more
with the red growing almost everywhere
with a fecundity in all strength
the twos and fives and even tens
seen in every plant as of all
give a colourful variance to the eyes
as they blossom with a charm
bright and lovely they appear
the beauty being they last a day
the next day droop and fall
enunciate the transitoriness of life
the shoe flower does that with an emphasis
a quickened flowering and shortened life.

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The Gathering

The gathering for each function
 could be a waste
 the time spent
 the fuel consumed
 the food prepared
 the material distributed
 all call for an expenditure
 expenses do not matter
 provided they are necessary
 they amount to a colossal waste
 since they do not account to a requirement.

The Mango Tree

The mango tree
 spreads its branches
 goes it far and wide
 hosts a lot of birds
 which build their nests
 live they along with
 the squirrels and bees
 the squirrels stay at no place
 a movement always
 where do they go
 where do they come from
 none know about
 the bees build their hornets
 all live together in harmony
 a beautiful tree is the mango one
 with a big heart and a merciful thought.

Friday, 20 November 2015

My Hand On My Cheeks

The thoughts of others
 crowd my mind for a day
 what would they say?
 I worry over a time
I would sit there
 with my hand on my cheeks
 rood and brood for a time
 why I am so ?
 I ponder for a while
 I reconcile then
 I take the thoughts of others
 from my mind
 I feel relieved
 it is for me I live
 not for the others
 who  talk with no sense.

I Play With Words.

I play with words
 as I am old
i cannot play with the ball
as I am not young
 words jump up and down
 I try to catch them for fun
 balls move so fast
 i grope to hold them
 that be my staus now
 write with joy
 tuns a paly for me
 time passes thus
 with a write and a read.

What Matters?

set aside the physical inconvenience
 set aside the mental disturbance
 go about your way with a determination
 health would follow you
 mind would come behind you
 it is resolution that matters.

As I Am

Love to be what I am
 love to live as I am
 love to socialize   as I think
 love to be as I am 

Thursday, 19 November 2015


Changes are welcome
 if done in measured space
lest they confuse.

Democracy ---Haiku

Democracy is governance
 by the people at all times
a lively governance.

A Man Over And Above Thirty.

An alliance fixed
compelling the boy to accept
how will it work?

The boy nay the man
 over and above thirty
 fears marriage.

Looks a  little feminine
 eyes always on the ground
 never smiles or talks.

Wears ill fitting dress
 most of the time  talks
 not to others but to himself.

Would the marriage get ahead?
the mother is too hopeful
 as she relies on superstition.


He vowed to get more 
 at least a few hundreds more 
 manipulated all the more 
 ended up with no more.

Ang Saan Suu Kyi.

The vote for democracy
 has put Burma again 
 has placed it in the map 
 a return of values 
 a break from dictatorship
 an end to military rule 
 a road to freedom 
 people pin high hopes
 on Ang Saan Suu Kyi 

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Clean Bowled ----Haiku

The ball hits
 the wicket falls into bits
 a  straight hit.

It is bowled
batsman back in the pavilion
 a clean bowled.

It Is Right

It is right
 could be also little wrong
 not being left.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Nature is Kind -- Haiku.

nature is great
 kind and wonderful as always
 a benign feature.

An illiterate's Face Book Account.

An illiterate opens an account
 not in the bank alone
 as banks allows anyone to have accounts
 those who have money can hold any number
 this man has opened a face book account
 knows not a word to read or write
 yet he has an account new
 with his image and qualifications
 all in detail  with reference to years
 a case to watch.

The Poor Man

The vegetables have become expensive
  the prices of cereals have risen high
the commodities keep on rising
 what would the poor man do?

Renewed Strength.

The storm has crossed the shore
 calm has returned fast
 the battered city heaves a sigh
 needs very badly a respite
let us allow to rest for a time
 would wake up soon with a vigour
 a renewed strength  should be there
 Oh! my city sleep  for a while.

It Is A School

it is a school
 with no playground
 has no facilities
 no restrooms
 has no teaching modules
 the teachers shout
 from morn to evening
 the students shout back
 until their voice turns hoarse
 that be a school
 the civic body remains mute
 well, that is how is the governance
 be that found in India mostly
 even after Modi's
 's entry.

Japan In Recession.

The land of the rising sun
 a small country in the east
 called as Japan with pride
 known for its engineering skill
 famed for its discipline
 noted for its hard work
 a pioneer in innovations
 has slid to a recession.

Monday, 16 November 2015

I See Silver Lamps.

I see silver oil lamps 
 small and artistic  
 not fitted to a clamp 
 placed on a small pedestal 
 burning with a glow 
 not very bright as of being harsh 
 soft  with a light yellow
 steady and steadfast they burn for a while 
 the  divine grace seems to descend 
 the lamps send out a flame in style 
 the mellowed gleam  invigorates.VBJ-OW-DT-10  
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The Incessant Cough

The cough is incessant
 very loud and nor decent
 comes at all times
 waits not for the bell's chimes
 makes the body weak
while the nose leaks
 it is a horrible experience
 if let would delete the existence

Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Way To Live A life.

Live, sing and write
 the ways to live a life
 happily, merrily, joyfully
 the qualities of life
 well, that be the insinuation
 could be the instigation.


The anger reflects
 the guns fire
 the bodies fall
 blood splashes
 that be the game
 that of the terrorists
 one or two in a way
 one or more in a sway.

Peace on Earth

Peace on earth
could become a dearth
we would find no mirth
 violence has taken the upper berth
 sits pretty on the hearth
fumes with a flirt
ignites with the dirt
 burns along with the blood.


The roads are broad
 the houses are neat
 the cities are clean
 the population is less
 the rules are followed
 traffic is regulated
 most lands are free
Canada being friendly.

Canada Is beautiful

The weather being cold
 the land being fertile
 the country being beautiful
 the area being vast
 the rivers all full
 Canada is beautiful.

Fearful Weather.

Live in the northern hemisphere
 bitten by cold and wind
 frozen by ice and snow
no sun to shine
 no warm wind to blow
 it is all cold, bitter cold
 one that being Canada
 a country with fearful weather.

The Ups And Downs.

The ups and downs in life
 could be seen in a strife
 the up you go
 the world goes up with you
 the down you descend
 the world comes down with you
 people admire when you go up
 they scorn when you go down
 that be the way of life
 not to me alone but to you also.

A jarring Note.

They call it as music
 it is not at all logic
 has  no rhythm
 no cadence
 a jarring note
 polluting the ears

An Achievement.

It is an incident
 very simple one
 could have been ignored
 not left off like that
 it is made into a mountain
 many interfere and interrupt
 that be its achievement.

Distressed Sale.

It is a sale
 being a distressed one
 very much for a need
 had to commit
 if not had to see
 have to undergo
 dire consequences
a little precarious it is.

The Son

The son disobeys
 the father feels very bad
 an usual game.

The son shouts
 uses impolite words all over
 an usual game.

The son does
all these for material benefits
 an usual game.

Rains Play Havoc

The rains play havoc
 they inundate
 make the rivers flood
 they breach
 causing mishap
 a devastation all over.


He shouts irrationally
 knows not what he talks
 speaks rash words.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

To Feed A baby.

To feed a baby
 need a patience
 not little but a lot
 well that is how
each child  grows.
 in turn brings his or hers
 the routine goes on
 as days come and go.

Babies Cry.

babies cry
 no not for why
 they cry and scream
 without a deem
 they stay awake
 without any stake
 they sleep all through
 with nothing in true .

Display In A Mall.

With a little of what I have
 might be a few coins in a way
 I stay there in a mall
 doing window shopping
 I am not delighted by the display
 I am worried of the price
 expensive it seems in a way
 includes the establishment charges
 which works more than the product.

A Bane

The weather being not dry
 being not moist
 being in between
 causes an uneasiness
 gives rise to epidemics
 a bane in a way .

A Precarious Deal.

The difficulty in breathing
 the strain on the throat
 the pain in the legs
 the temperature on the rise
 make the body weak
 unable to lie down
 nor work as usual
 a very precarious deal.

Cough And Tough.

it is a cough
 dry and incessant
 hurts the throat
 sends a discomfort
 cannot lie down
 nor sit up
 a thorough nuisance
excruciating and difficult
 a small cough
 makes life tough.


The rains have brought an epidemic
 dengue and the influenza
 well when there is a good
 there exists  a bad too
 rains are in no way an exception.

An Achievement.

it is an achievement
 being with ad sense for 5 years
 it is even more an achievement
 being with ad sense for five years
 not having earned a single dollar.

A Cake .

A cake big 
round and decorated  with figs 
unusually very big.

Being very big 
 decorated with icing and figs 
a rare pick.

A rare pick 
as figs do not stick 
a sweet lick.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


Care your child
 care your parents
 both need care
 one being young and tiny
other old and skinny
love them as much as you can
 nothing could be better
 nothing could be fine

The End And The Beginning.

The lock could not be opened
 it is so steadfast
could only be broken
 the lock being a brass one
 expensive and heavy
 had not the mind to destroy
 no other way on the move
 struck it with a hammer
 it tossed into two
 the end of the ordeal
 the beginning of the adventure.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

My Small Town.

Like to live in my town
 backward it might be 
 small it might be 
 could be like a village 
narrow roads and lanes 
 small shops and no malls 
 yet I like to live there 
 as I find grace here 
 as I trace divinity there.

Window Opens

A window opens 
 the door shuts 
 seeing both 
 made me think 
 if one way closes 
 another opens 
 not for the wind alone 
 nor for the light 
for you and me too.