
Saturday, 31 October 2015

A Century

To reach hundred
 both in life and score
 one has to go across
 a stack of obstacles
 painful and difficult
 once we overcome them
 sure to come out successful
 a century is a coveted prize.

I Fear Dogs.

I fear dogs
 be they small or big 
 e they harmless or ferocious 
 I run away from them 
 if they come near me 
 I scream at the top of my voice
 perhaps it is a phobia 
 inborn and innate in me.

The Hibiscus Plant

The hibiscus plant has grown tall
 looks like a tree now 
 hard to pluck the flowers
 as they bloom at the top
 have to cut them short
 but I hesitate a lot 
 the cut would hurt my plant 
 it would feel the pain
 I stand there for long 
 the  decide to cut without a harm
 well, I too am a human at last.

I Am Aloof.

I am aloof
 far away from the relatives
 want not to socialize
 as I have felt the brunt
 the way they talk
 the way they behave
 could be the cause
 well, I prefer to be aloof.

A Brag.

She turns hysterical
 talks all things under the earth
 money, stock, property,
 law, tax, and rights
 see her with a wonder
 uneasy in a way
 she is a brag, I know
 has to change her ways.

A selfish Man.

He is selfish
 thinks of his  welfare
 bothers not of others
 his family comes first
 turns aside other justifications
 thinks he is great
 moves with an authority
 none respects him.

A Wicked Man

He became wicked 
 not always he was so 
 he lost his money 
 so  lost his mind 
 turned cruel 
 spoke with anger
 spread evil all through.

The Doubts

The doubts too many
 strike me to a fancy
I fall into a trance
 recover by chance
the suspicions nag me
they would kill me.

Radius And Circumference

Radius and circumference
 help us to derive an inference
could show a difference.

The Mirror Says.

Looking at the mirror
 I see myself different
 could find wrinkles under the eyes
 locate them around the chin too
 I was not like this  the day before
 I wonder with a frown
 could a day bring so much of a variation?
 I ponder for a while
 then get aside of all these turmoil
 as I know life is fleeting.

Both Sides Of Rain

Rains lash the town 
 the streets get flooded 
 movement is restricted
 the electricity goes off 
 rains bring fortune 
  land you in trouble.


The drumsticks  long and fleshy
seen in the tree
 they are green and lanky
 look lively in the tree
 plucked them one by one
 laid them in the ground
counted them one by one
 tied them with the strip found
weighed them in the scale
made food money out of sales
 as drumsticks are rare to be found.

Right And Left

Right and left
marches the army in deft
the Captain shouts Attention  instead.

A Banyan Tree

It is a tree
 a banyan tree
 huge and gigantic
tall and dynamic
do you wonder?
the dynamic you ponder
 a description unique
 an explanation terrific
the tree has a large heart
 a tree having a heart
 again you are amazed
a speculation not dazed
 the circumference of the trunk
would make one bunk
the branches  are wide
spread on all sides
 render a shade all through
 provide a shelter in true
 the birds and bees
 live together in the tree
an existence so graceful
let us learn from these wonderful
 Trees, bees and birds
 the way to live in herds
mean not I in crowds
 speak of their unity loud
 the requirement of mankind
 as we lack most of the spirit in kind.

The Coconuts.

Tthe coconuts fall one by one
they are well grown
the pulp inside is thick and white
tasty to the bite
 used for cooking by the Asians
 largely to make broth
a dainty flavour and taste it extends
 coconuts are  lovely in all.

An Enquiry ---- Haiku

An enquiry short
came from a distance long
a brief call.

A brief call
from a man very tall
nothing at all.

Nothing at all
evolved out of the call
 wasteful in all.

Sleep ---Haiku

Like to sleep
 it is a gift in all
a slumber  deep.

Over Diagnosis

Over diagnosis is her way
 Extreme caution is her way
 does wit a concentration
 unnerves the patient to a confusion
 she has been doing it for long
people used to throng
 now there is a setback
 as her overtures are a fallback.

The Afternoon.

The afternoon is pleasant
 most unusual in times recent
 used to unbearable heat  all the hours
 find the time cool at this peak hours
 a cool afternoon is a bliss anyhow
going to enjoy with a know how.

A Man Turns A Man

A thought in the mind
 a feel in the heart
 a loving hand
 a caring intention
 all go to make a man
 never his wealth
 nor his status
 not his power
 no more his authority
 a man turns a man
with qualities divine.

Pretty And Wonderful

It  is a garden
 not beautifully laid out 
randomly designed 
 with flower beds, and trees 
 some vegetables planted in between 
 like spinach, capsicum and cabbage 
 the pathway is long and well paved 
 red stones add a spark to the greenery 
 the trees mainly fruit bearing 
 render a coolness enjoyable
 a pretty garden on the whole 
 lovely and wonderful.

The Duo.

The duo fly
not for any reason right
an inimitable try.

They do want
 to copy the other one
a wasteful taunt.

They do regularly
attempted with tries very shabbily
a repeated  failure.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

The Moon And The Stars ---Haiku

The stars shine
 the moon stands  there long
 the night enwraps.

The Thought.

Great goes the thought
 makes you rejuvenate and happy
 great be the hope.


It is scorn
 keeps you away and withdrawn
an abrupt torn.

Starting A School

Starting a school
could turn you a fool
keep not cool

Prices Of Cereals

The prices of cereal are high
 no not what to buy
 cereals being the essential food
 could not find anything good
 how did they shoot up so high/
 could be hoarding in a try
 could be black marketing
 nothing could be more defeating
 the middle class  suffers
could it be reversed?

Grading Diamonds.

Graded by quality
the diamonds were exhibited
 could not make a difference
 as to the naked eye all were same
 could find the blemish and black spots
 through the instrument a kind of a microscope
 could not be as accurate in a way
 as each one views it differently
yet they grade the diamonds
according to the four rules.


The church bell rings
 heard down the lane
 the congregation assemble
 the address begins
 the Christians repeat
 with bowed heads
 could find a devotion
 distinctly see the  faith
 as they conclude
 in a One voiced "Amen"


Balloons hang all over
 red, blue and yellow 
dangle up and down 
 as the breeze blows 
 it is a festival or a celebration
I know not what could it be 
but a joyous occasion 
 as I find a lively participation
of both young and old 
 all in smiles  ever happy.

A Grand Orchestra.

I hear the birds chirp
 not one but many in the garden
 one whistles with  a long draw
 the other tweets with a short  scope
another one calls in a loud voice
 thus goes the noise rhythmic though
 the one stops  for a pause
 the other one picks up with a force
 the third one waits for its turn
 starts its notes in a happy tune
 the orchestra in my garden gains momentum
 as the percussionists join the birds
 the insects and the bees play the drums
a grand event free of cost.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

He Talks Lot.----Haiku

He talks lot
 talks, when he is not sought
 finally gets caught.

He talks lot
 talks of subjects of all sort
 finally is caught.

He talks lot
talks nothing but all rot
finally is caught.

He Is Wealthy----Haiku

He is wealthy
 has no character whatsoever
looks apparently filthy.

Tender Coconut Water----- Haiku

Tender coconut water
 sweet, refreshing and totally energetic
 not an expensive drink.

Madurai ---- Godliness

A city survives
a city sustains
 not because of commerce
 nor due to industrialisation
 not owing to wonderful scenery
 nor because of its versatility
lives for ages and ages
 only for the temple
divinity overwhelms all others
Godliness is largely felt.
Could you guess which city it is?
 it is Madurai
, the Athens of the east.


The idealism as found
 being good and noble
 could be felt in the outward
 the insight tells a story different
 a disguise and a pretext
lies transparent on the levels
 shun them as good riddance
 proceed in an abeyance
 cross the shores early
 idealism is missed out nearly.

Sing A Song Of Sixpence.

Sing a song of sixpence
 a nursery rhyme old
could point to a past tense
 as one  would turn cold
when offered a dime  now
none would open out bold
as the gift turns in a row
it is so scanty and sparse
could not support any cause.

Expect Not.

Expect not anything
 expect not  at all
 let things happen as they do
 try not to interrupt
 do your part well
 that be the end of all. 

Myself To Myself.

I  live in perfect solitude
 whether it be in a place crowded
 be it in a place animated
 be it in a concert hall
 I live within myself
 conversing with me in loneliness
 I fail to merge with the crowd
 however familiar and known they be
 I do not fit in with an ease
 prefer myself to myself
 all through my days.

Liveliness In Solitude.

Singing through the day
 in a wild forest
 where no one could hear
 singing with a full throat
 loud and in full strength
walked through the interiors
 between the huge trees
 treading on the layers
 covered with leaves and twigs
 all lay dry up there
 a lovely time spent with ease
as none was there to watch
 none was there to hear
 none was there to gossip
 a pure liveliness in solitude

My Town Madurai -----Haiku

It is a town
 big and small at a time
 an enigmatic town.

It is a town
ancient and modern at a time
 a lively town.

It is a town
 simple and rustic at a time
 an ancient town.

It is a town
 divine and graceful at a time
 a charismatic town.

It is a town
 Madurai being its name at all time
 a divine town.

A Train

A train chucks
 moves  tough in a puff
 on a terrain rough.

Being Classic.

It is classic
 remains almost lovely and rustic
a great  centric. 

Dare Not -----Haiku

I dare not
like  more to grieve not
a happy sort.

A Pair ----Haiku

Being a pair
 it would not be fair
 make them share.


It is rare
 going without a proper care
 unable to pair.

Call It Quit

Call it quit
 as it has hit
 gone into the pit
 the fire has lit
 burns with a grit
 push it aside as shit
 call it quits.


Fragile, handle with care
 could be there with a share
 it could be also a snare
 careful do not dare
 cause you could not bear
 the consequences as it is rare
anyhow go across with a  fare
 that would be most fair.

Post A Day

Post a day
 has been my way
 I post nowadays
 not one in the way
 but many through the days
 has become a habit  this day
 good or bad  do not know in a way
 I post as many as possible through the day.

Obsessed With Cleanliness.

Obsessed with cleaning
 I used to dust the furniture
 dust the doors and windows
 spent most of my time in the upkeep
 forgot my mental registry
 turned black and sooty
 the receptacle could no longer hold
 developed holes underneath
 every stored item started to leak
 I  lost my memory in slow
 still went on  with my work
 dusting the tables and chairs.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Big Cities

Big cities  are great
 big cities are fun
 big cities are opportunity based 
 big cities  lack life 
 big cities miss life 
 they being ostentatious 
 and gaudy in the run.

Chennai -----A City Big.

A city big
 could not find a twig
 wears a wig.

Wears a wig
as its greenery is rigged
 nothing to dig.

Nothing to dig
could not find a tree fig
 the city is big.

Chennai in name
 has risen recently of fame
 looks very lame.

My Grandson's Birthday

My grandson's birthday
 he turns eleven this day
 a dynamic play.

He turns eleven  today
becomes a big boy in a way
a lively day.

A dynamic play
the age eleven all gay
loving in a way.

The Dog And Me

A dog sees me
 it passes on my way
 I shiver for a while
 I am afraid of dogs
 I try to run
 I pick up speed
the dog chases me
 I run as fast as I could
 the passersby stare at me
 they know not
 why am I running so fast?
once they see the dog
 they look at me with sympathy
 they confine the dog
 come to me with a smile
 Madam, do not run
 when you see a dog
 look at the animal steadily
 it would move away from your sight
 a lesson I learnt very late
 still  I feel like running
 when I see a dog.

Each Day

Each day there is a festival
 each day has a prominence
 each day gathers importance
each day exerts a dominance
 could be said of the Hindu customs
 they throng the temples every day
 worship the deities with fervour
 the idols are adorned and bedecked
 the abishekams and aradhanas are performed
 the temple bells ring with a loudness
 bring forth the omkara in full blast
 the people feel God is their life
 never could they be separated from the Gods 

Be It A Series.

A series of thoughts in motivation
 a series of ideas in action
 a series of  interludes in fashion
 a series of comedies in a  dramatisation
a series of tragedies in recollections
 a series of  lecture in a demonstration
 all the series go to make a revolution
 would lead to a lively resolution.

A Wish

let be your life without risks
 let be your life without danger
 let be your life without challenges
 let be your life without spoil
 let be your life be smooth
 let be your life have a flow
 uninterrupted by struggles and worries
 let you be happy always.

Superior And Supreme.

great is the ocean
 great is the nation
 great is the thought
 great to be taught
 great is the mountain
 great is the fountain
 great is to  learn
 great is to earn
 great be you always
 great will you be always
 the word great
 has so many rates
 being superior and supreme.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Pavala malli --- Haiku.

The small flower
 white and orange in a clover
 called pavala malli

Full Of Water---- Haiku.

Full of water
 the ocean abounds in water
 has salt water.

A Handsome Husband ------- Haiku

A handsome husband
loves and cares of late
has turned great.

Mother Of Three -----Haiku

Mother of three
 all be very bright boys
she be merry.

Worry ____ Haiku

Worry would kill
 make you speak in a shrill,
 however, you will.

A Beware.-----Haiku

It is nowhere
 call you not from anywhere
be it beware.

A Fifty Paise Coin.

it is a coin
 a fifty paise coin
 round and shining
 lay on the ground
 none bothered to take it
as it is worth nothing.

A Man Aimless.

I saw a man a little away
 he seems to be familiar in a way
 he looks around ignorantly all the way
 walks aimlessly through the day
 I watch him for long in a way
 go to him with a say
 he listens not to me anyway
 proceeds in his own way.

Thoughts Have Dimensions

Thoughts have dimensions
 could be of many-sided
 coping with their fastness
 the way they hatch in the mind
 requires a balanced mindset
a quick decision is a must
 might not it be harsh and variant
 a late decision is to be avoided
 might lead to a procrastination
 a moderate way to hold and decide
 should be the method one has to work

Man And Woman

Man and woman
 live together
 both being an indispensable
 man cannot live without a woman
 so be the case of a woman
 the union is needed for progeny
 that manifests in the propagation
 without which world ceases to exist.

The Contrast And Difference

Day and night
 come one after another
 life and death
 follow each other
 illness and wellness
 complement each other
 brightness and dullness supplement each other
 a contrast has to be
 a difference in all
 shows up the importance of each
 without the one and the other
 none could exist.

Always With You.

With that I go
 little do I know
 I stay with you
not in lieu
 but with you
 straight  before you
 think of you
 all about you
 well, I am with you
 always with you.

I Like You.

I like you
 you  also seem to like me
being liked mutually.

I like you
you shower affection to me
 a love reciprocal.

I like you
you love me equally well
a feel exciting.

I like you
 you  are very cordial  really
 a thought invigorating.

Happy Halloween

Halloween is coming
 big pumpkins on the porch 
many dolls dangling in the entrance 
 children in their Halloween costumes
 walk across the lanes 
 knock each door 
 received well by the inmates 
 come out with  chocolates 
 a sweet festival all in the west 
 a thanksgiving for a rich harvest.

A Shrill Voice -----Haiku

A shrill voice
heard from the  remote corner
nothing to rejoice.

A shrill voice
emanated from the dark corner
 a horrible noise.

A shrill voice
came out from the dilapidated  corner
a devilish poise.

I Do Worry------Haiku

I do worry
think of my past story
 a deprival almost.

I do worry
 recollect the struggles in a hurry
 being cheated almost.

I do worry
reminisce the ordeals  encountered
 a clear denial.

I do worry
 almost every day in  the life
 strangely a banishment.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

For No Reason.

Babies cry
 for no reason
 girls feel shy
 for no reason
 boys are dry
 for no reason
 women buy
 for no reason
 men try
 for no  reason
 I sigh
 for no reason. 

The High.

The values go high day by day
 properties have risen sky-high
 metals have shot up very high
 the  stock  has gone up high
 men hold their heads high
 as they reap revenue high
 it is always the thoughts  high
 that makes us soar high

Silver ---Gold's Sister.

Silver is gold's sister
 expensive but not as much
 shines with a dazzle
 coveted metal in all
 used in science
 malleable and ductile
 silver is affordable
 very much of a treasure.

Gold Is Brilliant.

Gold is yellow
 we all know
 gold is also white
 am I right?
 gold shines brilliantly
 many of  us wear it lovingly
 gold is so valuable
 an asset very reliable
 could go on piling praises
 alas! its price also rises
 a worthy investment
 a  great achievement.

A Feast

Grand is the celebration
 sumptuous is the lunch 
 exotic is the arrangement 
 beautiful is the ambience 
 all very lovely and great
 a feast to the eyes,

Learn To Forget.

The thought causes a fear
 want to get rid of it in a tear
 could not do so however much I try
I have to practise a meditation
 work with all my might to forget.

Good Many Ideas.

I have  good many ideas
 every day I think of one
 I want them to be put into use
 I withhold because of my constraints
 being money and manpower
I know these are excuses all the more
 I would try to enact them as fast
 before I breathe my last. 

My Endurance.

The endurance I have
 have placed me in the negative
people mistake my tolerance
play on my capacity with a vengeance
 now, I neglect them to the full
 knowing their intention in all.

Bygone Is Lost.

Nice to think of the past.
 Nice to remember the friends old.
 Nice to recollect the experiences.
 Nice to live in reflected glory.
 Nicer it would be to realize the present.
 Nicer it would be to live in the present
 past is past, bygone and lost.

The Limited Editions.

The flowers in my garden
 white, pink and orange
 used to bloom with a fecundity
 now come out in limited editions
 could be the scarcity of water
 the little rainfall as of now
 lays a restriction on the whole
 allowing  them not to come out in a bloom

Beautiful October Morning.

It is a beautiful morning 
 the October morning
 cool and a pleasant morning
 the  sun is not seen in the morning 
 being a rare morning 
 want to wish all a very Good Morning 
 as I stay out enjoying the morning.

The Suucumb ---Haiku.

The mind succumbs
 fear overwhelms all too much
a dire consequence.

Migrants Are Stranded.

Migrants are stranded
 the countries open not their borders
 the compassion gives way at times
 the restrictions take the case most times
 understand the countries plight
 they also have their issues
a pitiable situation indeed.

The Haunt.

The thought haunts me
 should never follow me
 but it comes behind me
 well what could be my plea
 a genuine one across without a fee.

Time To Close.

it is time to close
 could be a close by force
 let you take out  your nose
 avoid standing on your toes
do not make a pose
 nor pretend to be soft as a rose
 well, that be the time to close
 else everything  goes.

All Dissimilar.-----Haiku

I see around
 none could I get hold
 all unfamiliar faces.

I hear always
 none could I ever grasp
 all chaotic noise.

I feel  different
 none could I  henceforth sense
 all incoherent  experience.

An Old Woman ____-Haiku

An old woman
 ninety years she would bee
 attends every function.

She likes to
 never misses any event rather
prompt she is.

How could she?
a point to ponder deep
 anyhow she attends.

Gritty she  be
 travels up and down rather
a great spirit.

A Loud Sound _---- Haiku

A loud sound
 came from the bare ground
soon got drowned.

Happy Birthdays

A birthday celebration
 not of a child
 who is a mute witness
 knows not what happens
 ignorant of the reason
 sits there dressed up
 all uneasy in a frame
 the din and bustle rock
 the song "happy Birthday"
 reaches the sky
 the child gets nervous
 his face becomes swollen
 the eyes well up
 he is about to cry
 unmindful the revelry goes
 the child cries with all the might
 could be the same with a hundred yer old
 small and demure she is
 all rolled up in a small structure
 teeth not seen
 skin full of wrinkles
 eyes are deep sunk
she manages to walk
 gets  on the stage
 looks at the crowd with apprehension
 slips on the chair
 tense she is all the more
 while "Happy Birthday: rants the sky
 she cuddles herself in a roll
 a poor thing there on the dais

A Trip Down The lane,

it is a trip
 a jolly trip
a family trip
 altogether five of us
 a long drive
 down the memory
 turning back
 see a lot of painful crossovers
 visualise many a joyful makeover
 looking ahead notice no big pass over
 most have been done in an over
 the elders being the two of us
 the husband and wife have swept clean
 though not anything grand and great
 have tided over the crisis
 wish to hand over a clean slate
 the children are bound to make them stupefying
 they would, given their prowess
 and large-heartedness on the whole.

The Wallets Bulge

The coins are heavy
 make the wallet bulge
 like to get rid of them
 nay not do so
 they are indispensable
 when you catch a cab
 or travel in a bus
 buy things in the pavement
 or pay toll in the express highway
 the exact change is absolute
 carry with you a lot of coins
 no matter how your wallet looks.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

A Flow.

It is a flow
 without any halt
 does not falter
 jumps and rushes
 flows in such a speed
carries with it the flora
 colourful flowers  go through
 green leaves pass through
 brown twigs float through
 along with the dirt and rubbish
 the city generously extends
 unmindful of the contamination
 the way man reciprocates
availing the gifts of nature.

Master A language

Master a language
as quick as possible
 would lead you to realms
 great and knowledgeable
 that which not found in one
 could be seen in another
 a mastery is a blessing


Cards, generally confuse me
 the report card in my younger days
 gave a fright of life
 the play cards were funny
 I never went into bets and challenges
 the credit cards of late
 push me to a flight
 the debit cards of recent
put me in a distance
I fly away from cards
 as they frighten me all the way.

Plagued By Adversities

Plagued  by adversities
 one after another
 baffled by their speed
 came very fast in such speed
 startled by their nature
 very alarming at first
 panic overwhelmed straight
 sat awhile in the parlour
weighed the incidents one after another
 reconciled to the facts
it is all in one go
 sweep it with a force
 get rid of the odds in one go
 a bold move although
 would be finally relieved
 a solution in one stroke
 brightened me with enthusiasm


Illness is an indicator
a preamble to the eventuality
 if diagnosed correctly.

Gross misdiagnosis takes place
 the  treatment goes in the wrong way
 causing great depression.

 Medical professionals go by the money
 try to extract how much possible
 in their prime years.

The Lesson From The Birds.

The birds chirp in happiness
 chatter all the day with joy
 busy in their own way
 seek food and build nests
 never once they sit quietly
 a busy bird is a term I ascribe
 they are as workaholic as the ants
 ever in the fly from tree to tree
 always from  the ground to the hills.

It is Nuts.

it is nuts they say with contempt
 I know not the reason
 I care a tuppence they say with scorn
 I know not the reason
 I  throw the towels
 what does it mean?I know not.
 so much
so the phrases commonly used
 has come into vogue
 without any mighty reason
 perhaps it is nuts.

Mother In The Oblivion.

A son so loving and dutiful
 has to change as time passes
 his family expects much from him
 the wife could be demanding
 the daughter could be loving
 the son would show authority
 the work would put pressure
 the mother slides to the oblivion
 a natural course in the system,

The White Flower--- Haiku

the white flower
 looks so pure in grandeur
a gracious one.

Turned A Fool

I am stoic
 resolute and determined
 know what I would do
 never retrace my steps
 yet once I crumbled
 I lost faith in myself
succumbed to the results
 proved to e an overestimate
 went through the ordeal
 very foolish of myself
 never ever I thought
 I would fall a prey
 yetI did and I repent  

A Relief

It is a relief
 a stay in your place
 familiar and lovely
 could turn a little boring
 could sound monotonous
 yet it does not matter
 as it is a place you know well
 a home by far the most and at large
 keeps you in mood and happy.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Greenery ---- Haiku

The greenery around
 a pleasant sight to watch
a beautiful surround.


Hope keeps me going
 hope me makes me work
 hope is that which pulls me
 hope is the word that makes me live
 hope I would wake up tomorrow
 hope I would wake up the day after too.

Revenue Is Zero

The revenue is not there
 it does not rise or decrease
 it is a zero all throughout
 yet I write with a fervour
 hope to snatch a deal in future.

Brush With Life.

I had a brush  with life
 harsh in its strife
 not once but many a times
 well, it is how life chimes
 the  deficit in money in younger days
 now a slight test on the physical
 all borne with patience
 hope to see  the light in the future.

Goddess Meenakshi

The divine darshan
 was so extolling
 could not keep myself
 I was not my real self
 a balanced woman on the whole
 lost my equanimity in a hole
 the tears trickled  down fast
I remained totally cast
 happens to me when I see Goddess Meenakshi
 the presiding deity of

Murukku, Cheedai

I like snacks
 the traditional Indian ones
 murukku, cheedai and pakodas
 all are savoury
 mostly delightful
 very delicious
 a favourite of mine all the days.

A Boon And A Gift.

it is happiness I find
 even when there is illness
 it is all for the good, I feel
 it is but a fair deal
 having lived so far trouble free
 a boon and a gift all free
 I had enjoyed and lived to the full
 nothing could make me  dull.

A Joyful Pastime

it is a manuscript
written in an unknown script
 very interesting it could have been
 if it was in a known screen
 anyhow wish to translate
 read it within the date
 awaiting a good time
a real joyful  pastime.

A Thorough Way.

A thorough way ahead
 it is going to be instead
 a break of the journey
 a halt in the corner
 like to go ahead
 the road is dead
 have to turn around
 take the full round
 go bak to the origin
 well, it causes a din.

Happy And Wonderful

A sign of goodwill
 an omen of good faith
 a thought of well being
 a gesture of kindness
 a feeling of security
 all go to make the life
 happy and wonderful